Lingering, or Why I'm Tired of Conferences& Still Going to Them

I'm weary of conferences. Not wary, weary. I'm weary of the same talks, the same speakers, and the same hype. I want something deeper and I want something that truly makes me pause.

About a year ago I started hearing about this conference called Linger that is being held in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. My interest was piqued right away because, well, linger means to pause, to stop and reflect—and that's what I want. To pause. To stop. To be still. To listen. To hear. To linger. To reflect on God and His abundant love for His children. Oh, yes. Yes.

If that sounds as refreshing to you as it does to me, I'd invite you to check out Linger and if you can make it, to do so. So much so that if you're from out of town, I'll do my best to help find a home for you to stay in while you're here in the DFW metroplex.

If you're what is colloquially called a creative, there's a Thursday night session just for you. Just to sit and be encouraged by like-minded individuals who want their art to reflect more of Christ and what He's doing in them. Check that out.

If you'd like to know more about Linger, view this video below.

Linger is being held at Watermark Community Church on February 14 & 15th,

Also, if you're a Village Church member you get a marked discount. Cool, huh? You should have gotten an email from Mason about it, or you can look on The City for the special code.

Hope to see y'all there!